Friday, November 23, 2007

Day after Thanksgiving and back at work!

Happy Thanksgiving!
I hope everyone who celebrates Thanksgiving had a wonderful day yesterday. It felt good to have a complete day off! We had no out-of-town guest this year so my family and I just ate all day and worked on a 1000 piece puzzle. My husband finished it this morning. It was very nice and relaxing and felt good to be with family all day.

Day after Thanksgiving and all but my husband is back at work. Me, I stained and glazed all day while babysitting my 1 year old grandson. He's a good boy so I did get a lot done. Tomorrow I will fire what I did today. It will take two loads to fire everything I have so I'm debating on whether to separate the special order of 5 jugs into two different kiln loads or to put them all together into one. I'm leaning more towards the two loads just in case there is a problem and I lose a load. Geez, I hope I just didn't jinx myself :o/

The day before Thanksgiving I spent the day throwing mini bread bakers. This is something new that I'm doing on the recommendation from the potterybasics yahoo group I belong to. Apparently these are very successful sellers around Christmas time. This being the first time I threw these, there was a long learning curve. Out of 22 thrown, I kept only 11. They are smaller than I thought they would be which was probably part of my problem. I kept wanting to make them different than they were suppose to be. Not having actually seen or held one before, and only going by a picture, my mind was thinking something different than the instructions were telling me. I did finally get the hang of it and the next group I throw should be better. I hope to make 30 total to take to Trade Days in 2 weeks.

I waited until today to trim them, not wanting to do any work on Thanksgiving but I should have trimmed them yesterday or at least covered them. Normally it takes two days to become leatherhard but it has been so dry in this neck of the woods lately that these were past the leatherhard stage when I went down to my studio to work today. I was bummed but went ahead and trimmed them anyway. They were too dry to stamp my company name like I normally do on the side, so I used black iron oxide as ink to stamp my name on the bottom. We will see if that works. I also lost 1 baker because it slipped out of my hands and broke, so now I'm down to 10. I also want to use one in my own kitchen to test, so really I only have 9 to left sell.

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