Tuesday, December 25, 2012

A Birthday Present from Dad

My Dad sent me this big huge birdhouse for my birthday. It weighed 50 lbs and came by UPS in a huge box! I mean HUGE!

What an awesome surprise. I love Dad’s birdhouses, I own 4 of them.

Guy, my husband, while digging the hole where our new  birdhouse would reside, strikes clay - of course. He brings a large chunk into the house and says, ‘everywhere I dig on this property, there is clay!
I say ‘YAY!’ 

Doesn't look like much now, but it could be...

Under that thin outer layer of sand and dirt is some pretty good red clay it looks like.
 Lots of big chunks! 
After picking out the bigger chunks, a few passes with the sieve will reveal the smaller pieces of clay. I keep anything that looks like clay.

I grabbed a bucket and placed some of the bigger pieces into it. I filled it about half full. I will set this aside for a few weeks while the chunks completely dry out.

What a great day!

Thanks Dad and Guy! It's Beautiful!