It is always interesting going back into the studio after a rush of producing and then the necessary 'days off' that come after. I don't know about you, but by the end of a particularly busy production run, you're not really into cleaning up the final messes you made. So, when you walk into your studio after a hiatus, you instantly get hit with the emotions of that last run. You see evidence of the frantic pace that you kept, and you shiver. But then you smile because you don't feel like that now. You are relaxed and ready to start again.
On this next wave of production, I have two commitments I need to produce for; Trade Days on January 4-6th and the gallery in Claremore that is down to only 1 red clay piece in stock.
What I want to produce is:
Bread Bakers
$20-25 Red Clay pieces
Everything has to be created in the next day or two in order for me to complete pieces in time for Trade Days in 7 days. So here we go...
The first thing I did yesterday was to clean up the studio! Start fresh.
My studio is in the basement and it has no piped in heat. I noticed that it was much colder than a week ago. Time to get the heater out. I had to let it run for several hours before I could comfortably be in my studio. I also do not have any hot water so the water is extremely cold coming out of the faucet. It is one of the things I do not like about this studio. Anyone who knows me, knows how much I dislike being cold. Last winter I used a coffee maker to heat up water for cleaning up but by Spring it had quick working. I will need to find something else.
After cleaning I wedged up some stoneware and threw 10 bread bakers. I will trim these today as well as throw some red clay pieces. I also want to start designing the 4 pots I have in the leatherhard stage.
I love being in the studio! It's good to be back!